Rega Planar 3 at Martins Hi-Fi

  • Posted on 27 August 2020

In amongst the wild and the wonderful that this shop takes the pride to stock, you would be forgiven for overlooking some items over others; not due to their insignificance or poor performance but purely because they are a regular... often played, sold, and enjoyed that they become a staple!

Many of our customers have made the wise choice to invest in the Rega Planar 3, especially where a neglected record collection is awaiting a much-deserved revival. Subsequently, I have ordered our new demo unit in this glorious red, perhaps it will turn heads foretelling its outstanding record playing ability.

Rega Planar 3 available from Martins Hi-FI from £570

Rega's home site,  a great place to learn about who Rega is, the inspiration behind products, and the pride they have in each step on the design and engineering process.

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