LS50 Collection new from KEF

  • Posted on 23 September 2020

The new KEF LS50 Collection available at Martins Hi-Fi

KEF LS50 Meta £1,000 

KEF LS50 Wireless II £2,499



The original LS50 arrived in 2012 and arguably heralded in a new strain of HiFi fanaticism we hadn’t seen for quite some time, and rightly so; for all its technical ability and gracious yet modern design this little speaker accommodated the modestly priced system brilliantly. Importantly this allowed many more of us the opportunity of defined sound staging, dynamism, and colourful musicality unheard of at this level. So when KEF announces - after a long 8-year production run, a successor to the LS50, we can’t express our excitement enough. The new LS50 META - (for Metamaterials) is an updated version of the classic speaker which in all honesty didn’t need updating - or so we thought.

KEF has long been known, indeed since the company’s inception, to design and operate according to rigorous, measurable science and emphatic technical leaps. Their work with the original LS50 and its many technical advancements have been advocated in the new design with improvements to the 12th generation UniQ arrangement, accompanying crossover and cabinetry.


These updates are warmly welcomed as the company has shown just how far things have developed with the new R series just 18 months ago. Yet a more curious and breakthrough technology in the field of Metamaterials is what has perked up the ears of fans and competitors. The new design utilises a form of material otherwise impossible to come by in nature that has specifically been designed as an aural black hole - effectively absorbing stray and unwanted energy off the back of the drive unit and in turn making the accuracy of playback more absolute. We are incredibly excited to see how these new additions stack up against the competition and intrigued by how KEF can better their own modern masterpiece.


Martins HiFi will be demonstrating the new edition alongside the original for a time so please book to attend a socially distanced HiFi experience well worth the 8 year wait!

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