Factory Visit: Cyrus Audio

  • Posted on 20 November 2023

Cyrus Factory Visit Overview

On Friday morning, Sam and Jack arrival at the Cyrus factory ready for a day of listening and learning. Jason and Oliver from Cyrus extended a warm welcome. 

Coffee and intros completed Sam & Jack embarked on a comprehensive tour of the facility. Outfitted in factory jackets, they were guided through the factory, the birthplace of Cyrus's boards, and the assembly point for various components.

The production line unfolded before them, offering a first hand view of the intricate journey undertaken by the product during its creation. The process proved to be a captivating spectacle. Transitioning to an adjacent building, they discovered the integration phase, where freshly manufactured boards seamlessly find their place within a Cyrus unit, bringing life to the finished products. The assembly of XR streamers, Classic Streamers, and other XR items unfolded before their eyes.

Dedicated to critical listening

Next Jason showcased the Power XR's unparalleled quality and control. It effortlessly drove Audio Physic Codex speakers valued at £15,000, resulting in an outcome characterized by transparency, organic sound, ample headroom, and musicality—a listening pleasure without any fatigue.

When the listening session had finshed it was of to the local for some lunch. Its always great to talk with the people behind the brand and try to understand the strengths of the products, and also how the XR series has come together after the inital products were released a few years ago.Cyrus has always been a great brand, and one we hope to work with for many many more years.

The next Cyrus product we are exploring is the new Cyrus TTP turntable, if you want one before Christmas you will need to order soon or it wont be in your setup before 2024.

Cyrus Power XR £2995 is featured in the image behind the text. 

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Cyrus Audio at Martins Hi-Fi