Thankyou from D & I

  • Posted on 10 December 2020

Thankyou so much for the amazing review, we are glad we could help. 


It’s becoming quite difficult to remember a time before Covid, but back in early February 2020, I was eagerly expecting a visit from my oldest friend ‘D’.  We have known one another for almost 65 years and have enjoyed sharing our love of classical music for decades, both at live performances and from home-listening.  If we can arrange it, we try to spend a few days listening intensely, discussing and comparing, but opportunities have diminished as a result of serious health issues and so they are therefore all the more precious when they happen.


Imagine my utter dismay when, early in the morning of D’s proposed arrival, I discovered that my amplifier had suddenly crashed.  I have been a customer with Martin’s since January 2009 and received expert advice and support from Marcus and Steve, while Ian master-minded my latest brilliant upgrade to incorporate T+A Elektroakustik’s superb multiplayer PDP 3000 HV and Melco’s excellent N1ZS2A Music Library.  But they were useless without a functioning amp. 


I immediately got on the ʹphone to Ian to see if he could possibly help, and, incredibly, by 3.00pm that day (and we are talking Essex here) he had delivered and installed a replacement amp, literally minutes before my old friend turned up.  ‘D’ and I enjoyed wonderful hours that week, and I cannot express strongly enough my profound gratitude to Ian for ‘saving the days’.  Then Covid struck in March, so it was impossible to resolve the amp issue for several months; I am hugely indebted to Martin’s for letting me keep the T+A PA 3100HV.  Of course, it was such a wonderful partner for the T+A PDP that I could not bear to part with it, so I got a stunning upgrade, and Martin’s got a sale!


By any standards, this is an astonishing example of service way beyond the call of duty, but that is why Martin’s has my custom and my loyalty.

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