• Posted on 12 April 2021

The day is here! when we can unlock our door and welcome you back to Martins Hi-Fi.

In my last message I talked about how we have adapted the way we work, however like watching a football match it wasn’t quite the same. Rather than seeing customers, we saw delivery drivers. Our demo room felt quiet and empty, and product launches were done via Zoom.

Over the last 12 months we have developed some amazing ways for customers to interact with us. We will continue with all our lockdown services including.

· Home Evaluation Scheme will continue

· Product video guides

· Zoom calls to help customers with servicing or setup issues.

· Stay Safe, and don’t worry if you can’t come to us, we will make sure we do whatever we can to ensure you can be with us virtually.

At present we still need to restrict the number of customers in demos or on the shop floor. This means spacing out demo time slots to allow for thorough cleaning and sanitising. Also customers will be encouraged to sanitise and wear appropriate PPE in the shop.

So not everything is quite back to how we would like it, but the main element is that the blue front door is finally open.


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