Martins Hi-Fi and Meridian Audio
Martins Hi-Fi and Meridian Audio
We recently hosted our new Meridian Experience, allowing customers to experience the new DSP9 speakers and our new Snug Home Cinema demonstration room with audio powered by in-wall DSPspeakers. It reminded me of an award sitting in our office, one that was proudly presented to the late Ted Martin after 45 years of partnership with Meridian.
Back in 1968, when Martins Hi-fi was established, both Bob and Allen were at University, Bob at Imperial College and Allen at the Royal College of Art but later, in 1972, they became the design team for Lecson Audio, a cult audiophile brand, which was stocked by the forward-thinking management of Martins Hi-fi. Ted was particularly admirative when shown an original Lecson system as part of Meridian’s show-piece museum.
Ted commented “Having heard good things about Lecson back in the seventies led to the first contact with Bob Stuart and Allen Boothroyd and of course later Meridian. Realising that Bob and Alan had the design and technology that was far ahead of anything else it made sense for Martins Hi-fi to retail their products. Now, 45 years later, Martins are still with Meridian as Premium Partners and Bob and Alan are still leading the field with design and technology!”
In honour of the event and the partnership, Meridian produced a one off commemorative plaque to celebrate the 45 year anniversary which was machined from special real wood as used in the manufacture Meridian loudspeakers.
This extract was taken from